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Islam is a major world religion that originated in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula. It was founded by the Prophet Muhammad, who is considered the last and final prophet in a line of prophets that includes Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, among others. Muslims, the followers of Islam, believe that Muhammad received divine revelations from God through the angel Gabriel, which were later compiled into the Islamic holy book called the Qur'an (or Koran).

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Muslim Girl DP | Muslim Girl Photo | Islamic Dp For Whatsapp

The core beliefs of Islam are expressed in the Five Pillars of Islam, which are considered the foundation of Muslim practice. These pillars are:

1. Shahada: The declaration of faith, which states that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.

2. Salat: The ritual prayer performed five times a day facing the Kaaba in Mecca.

3. Zakat: The obligatory giving of alms or charity to help the poor and needy.

4. Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset.

5. Hajj: The pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, which is required once in a lifetime for those who are physically and financially able.

In addition to the Five Pillars, Muslims are also guided by the teachings of the Hadith, which are collections of sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic law, known as Sharia, provides guidelines for various aspects of life, including personal conduct, family matters, business transactions, and criminal justice.

Islam emphasizes monotheism, the belief in one God, who is referred to as Allah. Muslims believe that Allah is compassionate, merciful, and omnipotent. They also believe in the existence of angels, the Day of Judgment, and life after death.

Muslims are encouraged to lead a life that is in accordance with the teachings of Islam, seeking to achieve a balance between their spiritual and worldly responsibilities. Islamic principles promote justice, kindness, generosity, and ethical conduct in all aspects of life.

It is important to note that there are diverse interpretations and practices within the Islamic faith, leading to different sects and schools of thought. The two major sects are Sunni and Shia, which differ primarily in their understanding of the leadership succession after the Prophet Muhammad.

Islam has over 1.8 billion followers worldwide, making it the second-largest religion globally. Muslims can be found in various countries and have contributed significantly to diverse fields such as science, art, philosophy, and literature throughout history.

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Muslim Girl DP | Muslim Girl Photo | Islamic Dp For Whatsapp

Muslim Girl DP | Muslim Girl Photo | Islamic Dp For Whatsapp

Islamic teachings and principles apply to both males and females. In Islam, girls and women are regarded as equal in terms of their fundamental worth and spiritual status before God. However, there are certain cultural practices and societal norms in some regions that may differ from the core teachings of Islam.

Islam promotes modesty and emphasizes the concept of haya (modesty and decency) for both men and women. Modesty in dress and behavior is encouraged as a means to maintain dignity and respect. Many Muslim women choose to wear modest clothing, such as the hijab (headscarf), which covers the hair and neck, and may also include loose-fitting clothing that covers the body.

Education is highly valued in Islam, and both boys and girls are encouraged to seek knowledge. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of education and seeking knowledge for both men and women. Throughout Islamic history, there have been many renowned female scholars, scientists, and leaders who have made significant contributions.

Marriage and family hold a central position in Islam. Islam promotes the concept of a balanced and harmonious family life, where men and women have complementary roles and responsibilities. The husband is considered the head of the household, while the wife is regarded as a partner and caretaker of the family. However, it is important to note that the roles and responsibilities within the family can vary depending on cultural and regional practices.

In terms of legal rights, Islamic law (Sharia) provides guidelines for various aspects of life, including marriage, divorce, inheritance, and property rights. While there may be variations in the application of these laws in different regions, Islamic teachings emphasize fairness and justice for both genders.

It is important to understand that Islam is a diverse religion with followers from various cultures and backgrounds. Practices and customs may differ among Muslim communities around the world due to cultural influences. Therefore, it is crucial to differentiate between cultural practices and the core teachings of Islam when discussing the role and status of girls and women in Islamic societies.

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Muslim Girl DP | Muslim Girl Photo | Islamic Dp For Whatsapp

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